Tring tring ringtone blackberry
Tring tring ringtone blackberry

Riogeers isn't really interested in making it easy for you to use servoces from far awat. if it's rogers check and see if the devioce itself wll work in Mexico. check the coverage and then look into where you bought your blackberry and whre yuour tring to use it from. That sim card has to be attched to some sort of data and voice plan. you had to get another sim cartd to get the devie working. they seell worldwqide so if your fivice was designed fo Asia it simnply might not use the bsame frequency as US or candain devicesĬheck the coverage map of whatever planyou have from whatevber alternate provider your going wiyh. then it might just be the phones settingts which RIM puits in depending on whare they intend to have the device sold. If your device was orignally from Rogers then if you have no probnlem with getting services to work in the US or canada or even the US virgin islands which Roghrs does cover but at an astoundingly high Calling and Data rate ( like $1.35 Per minute vouice and. I know people who got their unlocked decvice from the middle east or africa or south america and those devices simply don't use the same frquency as the US or Canada does. Addtionally depending on where your blackberry came fromm it simplymay not puick up the proper frequencies as phones in meixco use. Then tyhe answer is to get yuet another sim vcard with another plabn that works there. If not then it has nothing to do with the unlock it has to do with whatever provider you use doesnt servoce the area. When you unlocked and put in your new simcard, you bought some sort pf alternate phone/ Data plan did yopu ask for a mpa of areas that your nwe plan works from? They usually have a map of coverage that will show you if you had coverage in mexico. When you unlock your blackberry it still needs a sim card from some provider. It might be worth looking at whatever plans you have. SOURCE: black berry bold unable to connect to data services while roaming

Tring tring ringtone blackberry